The Purpose of the Foundation as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation are to:
- Promote, foster and help provide scientific, literary, educational and recreational programs and facilities at Santa Monica College;
- Provide scholarships, fellowships, grants, loans and other financial assistance to approved students, members of the faculty, alumni and programs of Santa Monica College and its entities;
- Promote and foster educational programs including but not limited to the visual and performing arts, broadcast and emeritus partners as entities of Santa Monica College;
- Raise and expend monies for the general welfare of the students, staff, faculty and programs of Santa Monica College and it entities;
- Receive gifts, bequests or devises either outright or as trustee or beneficiary of a trust; to hold, transfer, buy sell, invest or reinvest real property, cash, stocks and bonds and all other evidences of value.
SMC Foundation's mission is to eliminate barriers to ensure academic success for Santa Monica College students. We connect donors with opportunities to effect change at a world-class educational institution where equity, access, and excellence intersect.
To be a preeminent community college foundation reflecting the value and economy of our creative community and greater Los Angeles, California.