Why Give to SMC
Your support POWERS student achievement through scholarships, FUELS important faculty cutting-edge resources, ENERGIZES student program support, and DRIVES our ability to provide urgent assistance for students, including basic needs, such as food, books, technology, housing. No matter what you choose to support, your gift to SMC, changes the lives of students!

Your Gift Changes Lives
Three Students Share How SMC Helped Them Achieve Their Goals
SMC Grad Nicole Rojas, an inspiring Latinx business student, shares what SMC means to her now and why she plans to support SMC in the future.
SMC Grad Justin Hong, an international STEM/Computer Science student, explains why he chose to come to SMC and the people and opportunities at SMC that supported his hard work to help him achieve success.
SMC Grad Destiny Nolen describes the incredible SMC organizations that inspired and supported her heart-felt path to medical school at UCLA after a difficult youth.

5 Reasons Why Giving Matters
It's easy to wonder "does my gift make a difference?" The answer is "YES!" Donations of all sizes are essential to the ongoing excellence of students and programs at Santa Monica College.