SMC faculty and debate coach Nate Brown has a dream: To secure the financial future of the student debate team. To do so, we are establishing the SMC Speech and Debate Team Endowment. Whether you are a student, faculty, alumni, friend, family, community member, or colleague, please help us achieve our goals.
All contributions will be endowed, not spent. When we reach our first goal of $100,000, we will have secured the annual budget needed to participate in a prestigious local tournament calendar, each year in perpetuity.
Our larger goal is to raise the endowment to $400,000, providing a platform for a team of students to attend the national championships each year, in perpetuity.
Please give.
Small donations help. Large donations are critical. Pledges of matching funds will immediately assist us in our efforts. With your help, we will be unstoppable.
For donations by check, please make your check payable to:
The Santa Monica College Foundation
1900 Pico Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
On the memo line, please write: SMC Speech and Debate